
ZNK Consultancy provides everything you need in order to start, run and expand your remittance business globally.

Remittance Platform

We make the remittance software simple.

What ever the scale of your business, we have the answers to everything you need to run your business. Our remittance platform provides the most trusted solution for online remittance, agent-based module, and mobile based agents.

Our approach is to provide you a state-of-the-art platform and compliance management in one remittance software package that all remittance businesses need. The money transfer platform can be configured to the liking of your business. We eliminate complexity of building a software, maintaining, and hosting by offering all three in a package.


State of the art security and compliance.

Having an effective compliance is crucial for your business to be regarded as a trusted and reliable business in your respective market as well as critical to protecting your brand. The bigger the operation and the grown often results in being targeted by fraud.

The software gives you the opportunity for Rules based transaction monitoring, providing you with security of SS

Over the clock Support

Support available 24/7 – 7 days a week

Services can be interrupted randomly from time to time, out expert developers and customer service teams will quickly identify the source of the problem and bring a sift resolution for you to continue operating smoothly.

We know that we are providing a service of its highest calibre, however it is best suited for businesses to have support in place in case of any hick ups. Businesses having their services down for more than a few minutes are often disrupted and causes a halt in their day-to-day operations.

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