Our Services
Is your company looking to achieve a license from the Financial Conduct Authority?
Compliance is not a choice. The Regulation gives supervisory authorities the power to fine non-compliant organisations up to €20 million (about £17.6 million) or 4% of their annual global turnover – whichever is greater. ZNK Consultancy is here to help you in being compliant to all the regulations passed on by the supervisory authorities in the business sector you operate in.

We provide compliance support from small to large sized companies.

Authorised by the FCA

We would assist, create, and design the application pack for the FCA.

Compliance Solution

We provide compliance services both as an ongoing process and a one off.

Compliance Audit

We would carry out an internal audit on the over all activities of your business.

Money Laundering

We will prepare, update and amend all policies within your organisation to be compliant with regulators

Training your staff

We can provide training programs to assist your staff in being compliant with regulators.

Outsourced Compliance

We aim to maintain a long-term relationship with ongoing support for all of our clients.